Wednesday 19 August 2015

Top Back to School Tips

It’s that time of the summer again, where parents look at the calendar and realise there are only a couple of weeks of the school holidays left.  Now is the time to start thinking about all those back to school matters and what you need to organise for their return to class.  It is also the time to start contemplating the first days of school for the new starters.

New starters

Some kids leap into their first day of school as if they had been going for years but for others, it is a scary time.  One tip to help them get ready for their first day of school is to get a personalised storybook that tells the tale of the first day and gets them ready for what to expect.  Now is a good time to get the book and read it in the days before that big first day to help them feel happier and more relaxed about it.  It also starts to arrange a bedtime routine that can continue once they are in school and means a set bedtime isn’t another new thing to adapt to.

Getting prepared

The weeks leading up to the new term are the best time to take stock of what you have and start a list of what you need.  The oldest kid in the household is bound to have outgrown their school uniform though their off-casts could be great for the younger kids or for the kids of family and friends.  Pre-loved is a great way to help out other parents or to find those items you are missing and lots of Mums websites such as Netmums will have notice boards to make swaps.  Some schools also sell second hand, good quality uniforms at a sensible price.

As well as their daily uniform, don’t forget the PE kit, even if the kids aren’t too enthusiastic about it.  From the swimming kit to the general sports gear and anything they need for special sports they are involved with all needs checking for condition and most importantly to ensure it still fits!

New terms are an ideal time to stock up on some new stationary and a quiet bribe for the kids.  A new bag or rucksack, a new pencil case and associated stationary is a great way to get them a little more excited about returning to school.  A new lunchbox may be needed too, as last year’s is likely too ‘young’ for them now or doesn’t have the current trendy group or character on them.

Planning ahead

As the winter ranges are hitting the shops in the next few weeks, it can also be a good time to do an inventory of their winter gear to see how they stand.  While the last few winters haven’t been too severe in the snow front, a good winters coat and boots are better to have and not need than the other way around.  Plus many kids love a new woolly scarf and hat for when the frosts come and a raincoat will doubtless be needed at some point, especially if the summer is anything to go by!

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